Tuesday 20 September 2011

On schedule for October completion...

We have been informed that our new build is scheduled for completion on 10/10/11. Between then and half term will be a period of handover and 'snagging' works and installs of ICT equipment in classrooms, then a 2 day moving-in period before the half term holidays, with an enforced closure to pupils.

On return from the half term holidays at the end of October, classes 1C and 1V, 2, 5 and 6 will move into the new build, classes RC, RV will move out of the 'pod' and back to their original rooms and Y3 and Y4 will 'spread out' so that they have an additional classroom space next door to their current classrooms!

Friday 20 May 2011

Photos 20/05/11

It’s all gone quiet on our building site as the builders have completed everything they needed to do in preparation for the delivery of our brand new ‘flat-pack’ school from Austria! As you can see from the photos on the reverse (more on the New Build Blog) the groundwork is complete and we await the arrival of the panels needed to begin construction of the new part of our school– scheduled now, for the beginning of June.

Thursday 31 March 2011

Update 31/03/11

Lots of progress on the groundwork this week. We've been told that the new (moved) pedestrian gate will be complete by Monday (3rd April), making access to pick up and collect children easier.

The fire doors in the school hall should also be completed by Monday, which will mean another update to our emergency evacuation plan. Once these doors are in use, we will be practicing our Fire Drills once again, using the new routes.

The milestone date for the next BIG part of the build is May 16th, when the new build walls and floors arrive, pre-assembled and ready to install onto the concrete base. This process we expect to happen very quickly- the building should grow out of the ground before our eyes!

Thursday 24 March 2011

Build Photos 24/03/11

Update 24/03/11

The build is progressing well and is on schedule. We've taken photos from behind the fences today, click the picture below to access the web-album.

We've been in discussion with the planners about the ICT suite this week- which will eventually be our second 'large studio' space. They have agreed that we can employ local IT contractors to install a wireless network in the 'old' school, while the work re-developing the ICT suite is being completed. This will mean that we will finally have fast 'wireless access' throughout the school, opening up possibilities for the future (e.g. iPads, netbooks, handheld devices). The 'new' school will then be added into the wireless network, giving safe and secure access throughout the site.

Build Photos 11/03/11

Build Photos 04/03/11

Build Photos 03/03/11

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Safety on the School Drive

We've had a number of parents express concerns about the movement of diggers and dumper trucks on site whilst children are being dropped off/collected from school. Here is the response to that concern, emailed to the Site Manager, Project Manager, Head Teacher and Chair of Governors;

Thank-you for your email. I was made aware of this situation yesterday after school and went down to speak to the builders immediately. We have imposed a ‘Plant/Heavy Machinery’ working ban on-site between 3-4pm and 7.30-9am from today. There may however, continue to be deliveries onto the school drive area at any time throughout the day. Our ‘Gate-Man’ is keen to maintain the safety of the site and the people who need to access it throughout the day and we will continue to monitor the situation and make any changes where necessary.

Kind regards,

Paul Sansom
Deputy Head Teacher

Friday 4 March 2011

Letter from Chair of Governors

Chad Vale School is about to embark on a major expansion programme, which will see the school double in size and house some of the most up to date facilities that I’m sure will improve the learning experience of all pupils. However, the next few months will see parts of the school grounds turn into a building site.

During the building works there will be some disruption and safety of all in and around the school will remain paramount. The school along with the local authority and building contractors will be working hard to minimise the disruption caused. It will also be a stressful period for all concerned and on occasions changes to the routines that you are used to may be necessary. It is important that the school continues to function as normal as possible.

The school will keep you up to date on the latest developments - keep an eye on the New Build Blog available from a link on the homepage of our school website, or go direct, by visiting;


We are also using our Schoolcomms email/text system and the Chad Vale newsletter - but any form of construction work can be unpredictable so on occasion information may not be sent as soon as we’d like but do bear with us.

Should you have any concerns or hear rumours please do not go directly to the contractors or teachers, a special email: newbuild@chadvale.bham.sch.uk has been set up to respond to queries. Any personal queries will be logged and addressed as appropriate. This way the building work can progress and teachers can concentrate on the pupils.
Please also do take extra care when escorting your child or children to and from school. We all need to be extra vigilant during the building work and every effort will be made to ensure the health and safety of staff, parents and pupils.

Parent governors (Caroline Walker; Jade Gomila; James Yarker and I) will also be on hand to answer questions or raise matters at weekly progress meetings between the School and Contractors.

Finally, during this period, please be patient, let’s continue to support and work with each other in the Chad Vale way to maintain the excellence of the school.

Sanjay Mistry
Chair of Governors
It’s been an exciting week as the building work has finally commenced at Chad Vale. This week, the bottom playground has been fenced off and the groundwork completed for the builders offices, on the grass verge at the end of Mrs. Morris’ garden. We’ve already seen diggers, dumper trucks, cranes and lots of workmen in hi-viz jackets and hard hats!

Throughout the week, we’ve tried to keep parents, carers and children up to date on the development of the building site through our Schoolcomms email/text system. We hope that you have found this useful. If you have not been receiving these emails or texts, please contact the school office so that we can update your details on our system. You can also visit our new ‘New Build News’ blog via the school website to view copies of all the messages sent out to parents this week (or follow the link below).

The next few months at Chad Vale will present unforeseen challenges to our normal day-to-day running. We have already established an excellent working relationship with Mark, our Site Manager and will continue to liaise closely with the build team on site to ensure that our outstanding teaching and learning can continue with minimum
disruption. We have rehearsed a range of fire evacuations this week at different times of the day. We have cleared the site in under 2 minutes everytime. A Safety Officer from West Midlands Fire Service, who witnessed a fire drill
today said; “I have absolutely no issues, whatsoever” and left, extremely impressed with how the recent changes to the site and evacuation routes have been managed by the school. For queries, questions or comments about the new build, please email:


Thursday 3 March 2011


NO CARS on the drive tomorrow (Friday 4th March) please.

Update 03/03/11

*The builders have erected additional safety fencing until the permanent hoarding fences are installed

*We carried out a further successful Fire Evacuation Drill with all the children in assembly today.

*Photos on school website of developments today.

Update 02/03/11

*As many of you saw at home time today, WE have placed temporary fences to seal off the bottom playground as we are still waiting (!) for the 'official' fences to be erected.

*In the mornings, please bring your child up to the top gates, which will be open from 8.30am. Pupils in Y2-Y6, MUST now come into school without their parents- please say your goodbyes on the playground area by the Y6 classroom. Pupils in Reception and Y1 will need to be escorted to their classrooms, via the main entrance doors.

*At hometime, pupils from Y2-6 will be brought out through the main entrance, where they can be collected from their teachers. Please leave the site as soon as you have met your child. Children in Reception and Y1 will need to be collected from their classrooms, taken back to the main entrance and then off site via the top gate.

*We trialled the system above today at home-time and although a little hectic, worked well, and the site was cleared by 3.45pm. Thank-you to everyone who helped to ensure this ran smoothly.

*In the next few days, the 'bottom gate' will be moved to the top of the drive, giving an additional entrance/exit to relieve some of the congestion at the main gate.

*We held a further Fire Drill today during dinner time and all pupils were evacuated quickly and safely. We also rehearsed the fire evacuation procedures during assembly (when the whole school are in the hall) and will be practicing this drill over the next day or so.

Safety Update 01/03/11

Some parents/carers have expressed concerns about the part removal of the slide on the bottom playground. We expect that the hoarding fences will be complete by the end of this week, effectively sealing off the bottom playground, the slide area and the slide that has been removed.

Until these hoardings are in place, may we respectfully remind you that before and after school, parents must be closely supervising their children whilst in the playground. In the mornings, please ensure that your child(ren) are brought safely into school for 08:45 and at the end of school, please collect your child from their class and then leave the site.

The children have been briefed to stay away from the rubber crumbing area where the slide was removed and also to stay away from the slide that has been temporarily placed behind the wall on the rear banks. We are not using these areas during the school day this week, so, children being children, will no doubt want to explore what has changed before and after school!

We thank you for your understanding on this matter- we will continue to keep you updated via the website and Schoolcomms.

There have been delays to the hoarding/fencing off of the bottom playground- we have been told that this will start tomorrow (Weds 2nd March)

Update 28/02/11

*From Tuesday 1st March, there will be a 'gate-person' controlling access and security to the site.

*The hoarding to seal off the bottom playground will begin Tuesday and end Friday. During this period the 'bottom gate' where children come into school will be moved to the top of the drive (near to the double gates and just past the Y6 portakabin).

*At some point (TBC) this week ALL pupils, visitors, parents and carers will be prevented from using the bottom gate entrance/exit for the duration of the build.

*On Wednesday, the builders' complex groundwork will be set up on the grass banks at the end of Mrs. Morris' garden area. There is likely to be disruption to the school drive and deliveries.

*On Friday we expect delivery of the portakabins to form the builders complex/offices. There will be a large crane on site and no vehicular access throughout the day.

Update 24/02/11

*There has been much activity over half term, slides and trees removed

*Hoardings to 'seal off' bottom playground are likely to go up from mid next week (2nd March onwards)

It is likely that from Tuesday 1st March that the main entrance into school will be at the top of the drive

We have been working over half term to ensure fire safety evacuation routes are in place once the hoardings are up

Please ensure you have registered an up to date mobile phone number and email address with the school office for updates via Schoolcomms, or you can email them directly to deputyhead@chadvale.bham.sch.uk

For any concerns, questions or comments about the new build please email: newbuild@chadvale.bham.sch.uk

Update 26/01/11

We continue to liaise with BCC planning department in reference to the new build proposals. Areas of ongoing discussion include;

*Creation of new 2nd hall- agreed in plans (below)- and the resulting effects of losing our ICT suite
*Location of sprinkler tank
*Toilet facilities for the MUGA
*Access to and around site during the build
*Access onto field/MUGA from hall
*Adult toilet facilities for additional members of staff/visitors
*Safety/security and access to site during build
*Parking around the school site for parents/carers
*Parking on-site for staff
*Widening of school drive and paths into school
*Completion dates
*Hard play surface to replace playground space lost
*Storage for cleaning equipment in new build with hot water provision
*Re-location of server/communications cupboard